Sunday, May 3, 2009

USA and Israel a Covert Strategy all along from Inception

USA and Israel a Covert Strategy all along from Inception, Rabid Militarization of Energy, Basic Resources, Finance and Choke Points on a massive and Global scale.
Facts on the Ground speak much louder than statements and empty promises....always did since 1921....

Israel has done more than any other party to sabotage any viable peace process. They come up with endless excuses like Hamas will not recognize Israel. Fatah recognized Israel a long time ago but West Bank land is continuously being stolen and innocent Lebanese and Palestinians continue to be killed daily.... Israel wants land, water, Energy and covert links, recognition and facilities... and will only accept peace after it has acquired the necessary lebensraum....and after having fractured the whole world into thousands of Tribes with Flags....together with the military industrial/Financial complex....of the Threesome of Terror CIA/MOSSAD/MI6....and the UKUSA Alliance.

The purpose of the delays is to establish “facts on the ground” and it may be too late for a two state solution. It may be time to push for a one state solution much like Israel’s former close ally, Apartheid South Africa, was forced to do...

The religious fanatics must be stopped. Of course the only ones with a religious claim on that land are Jews. That tradition which also says Jews are Chosen of God, such that many Jews believe themselves better than all other Goy. I don’t know how one reconciles this with the Golden Rule. Zionism is straight out of Joshua, and is repugnant in modern times.

If Israel ever declared her borders it would be the first I’ve heard of it. This ever expanding border is prima facia evidence of what’s going on. The whole world gets it, save the USA. Hell, Haaretz reports words far more critical than I’ve typed or can agree with.

We must look at the book of Joshua as inheritors of that Judaic tradition. We must denounce this as anachronistic loudly and roundly. No faith deserves respect if it preaches that lineage makes one superior. How is it so forbidden to discuss this?

Did anyone read Ahmenijhad’s statement? A translation is available via See if his words are as repulsive as to warrant walking out? See if the press characterized his speech accurately at all?

Again, I truly have great respect for the Judaic tradition and believe in one god, the father of us all. However, we cannot allow people to have their land stolen from them, be stoned or beaten to comply with some anachronistic text.

Therefore, all people of conscience have a duty to speak out and clarify when some abuse a rich tradition. Zionism, particularly the Neo-con version, the real pejorative Zionism is a product of rank militarism, the Likud party and afflicts our own domestic police.

Militarism here has nothing to do with Zionism, and is unconcerned with Israel itself. Hell, Israel serves as a lost leader, spurring arms sales to the Arabs there. This accounts for nearly half of our federal budget and anyone alarmed by rising federal obligations should oppose our defense budget.

Imagine after Desert storm, 12 yrs of bombing and surveillance, and Shock and Awe we still can’t dictate terms in Iraq, a country of 25mil. the size of Texas. How the hell, who the hell can/could/would invade us? Our defense spending has us so in hock to the Chinese, Russians, and Saudis that any of these countries could totally cripple us and our economy. That’s as good as a brawny boxer with no legs.

Can we roll back the militarism in this country? Some see the Nancy Harmon (D-CA) is early push back from the Military/security complex. I believe these same people killed Kennedy in my hometown. Hell, he had plans, just made furtive plans to meet Castro in Mexico the week he died. He was reticent to use military force and they knew they had a stalwart in LBJ.

I am now trying to figure out as this country succumbs to the inevitability of entropy and find itself on a more equal footing with the rest of the world; whether we will go out with a bang or a whimper. Some can’t come to terms with relinquishing the ring....

That's why the Zionist rubber stamp, ZOG puppet, African born eggplant is popularly known among the antizionist "goy" world as Barack Jewbama. The moolie nonpresident is but an actor, and a bad one at that, who reads the teleprompter scripts issued to him from the AIPAC, Knesset and Knesset west District of Criminals. Sometimes he forgets his lines and misses his cues... He is nothing more than a greedy and arrogant liar and a traitor who sold his soul to the filthy CIA/MOSSAD demons from Hell. Obongo works for the synagogue of CIA and the sons of the devil. He's a filthy piece of slime who will fail miserably the American People no matter what he tries...
Just like all Zionists are utterly greedy arrogant Mafiosi aggressors with double loyalties to never ending wars of Israel, for world domination, through the hellbent aim of fracturing the whole world into thousands of Tribes with Flags....
and hegemonic designs from the Middle East to Africa, and from Colombia to the Philippines....and their own creation of the axis of conflicts....ever since the PNAC assassination of Yitzhak RABIN in 1995....